Technology empowers us.

Condor Flash is the world's first intraoral tray scanner powered by precise software.
Go from traditional dentistry to digital dentistry in 1-click.



1 click. That’s all the time and skill you need to take a digital impression with the Condor Flash.



Multiple cameras – either in 2 half arches or 1 full arch make the Condor Flash precise.

Easy to use

Easy to Use

There is no learning curve to use our technology. No mixing materials.

5G Compatible


Our scanner is 5G compatible.

Our Co-Founder: Professor François Duret

Monitor is the world’s first intraoral tray scanner and takes digital dentistry to a 
new level. We offer the opportunity to take an accurate intraoral scan with 1-click.

The visionary behind our unique software-driven scanner is Professor François Duret.

Prof. Duret is both our Co-founder and Clinical Director and provides day-to-day management of our development team.

Taking dental impressions isn’t new. Our technology is

Monitor is the world’s first intraoral tray scanner.

Dental Impression are needed for:

Prosthodontics (dentures)

Orthodontics (braces, aligners)

Restorations (crowns, bridges)

Oral and maxillofacial surgery (implants)

Cosmetic dentistry (veneers)

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But they weren’t always so easy to take.

Impression Tray

In the 18th century, softened sealing wax was used to take dental impressions and make prosthetic appliances.

A metal tray is introduced in 1844 and is still basic equipment, even today.

A metal tray is introduced and is still basic equipment, even today.

Analog Impression

The negative imprint of patients’ teeth and soft tissues (gingiva) is taken and sent to the laboratory.

The positive imprint taken manually with plaster was used to design restorative dental work. 

In the 18th century, softened sealing wax was used to take dental impressions and make prosthetic appliances

Digital Dentistry

In 2019, 60% of all laboratories across Europe and the United States used CAD/CAM systems. 
The digital workflow is faster and delivers more precise results. 

Laboratories are shifting to digital designs and restorations which are less time consuming and more affordable.

In 2019, 60% of all laboratories across Europe and the United States used CAD/CAM systems. 
‍The digital workflow is faster and delivers more precise results.

Condor Flash

Condor Flash is the world’s first intraoral tray scanner and takes digital dentistry to a new level.

Monitor is the world’s first intraoral tray scanner and takes digital dentistry to a 
new level. We offer the opportunity to take an accurate intraoral scan with 1-click.
Advantages of Condor Flash Technology


It’s fast

The speed of taking an impression limits time in the mouth and extra handling which is prone to errors.

No gag reflex for patients

There is no need to use impression material which patients typically dislike.

Safe for children

Orthodontics for children gets easier and more appealing.

Simple and clean

Laboratories can quickly use the scan for treatments without the need for extra equipment.

Easy to reproduce images

Make as many copies of the impression as you need.

Less risk of cross infection

The Condor Flash is the only way to avoid the spread of transmissible diseases like COVID-19.

More accurate

Because the cameras are fixed, the overall accuracy over the entire intraoral arch is higher. 


Reduce waste.

Impacts of the Digital Workflow 

Speed of Impression


Simplicity and Cleanliness

Gag Reflex


Better quality using our technology,
no need to redo your work over and over


Reduced labor costs with a digital workflow


More capacity due to reduced production
and treatment time

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